Animated holiday greeting
The email message on the left linked to a landing page with an animated greeting that included a music track.
External email was produced according to HTML and Plain Text templates and distributed by an email marketing platform. Animation, artwork and document files were hosted externally.
Digital advertising
Animated ads in several formats.
Dual-language event invitation
This email invitation included links to a Japanese version, an animated invitation (storyboard below) and an event registration page. A dedicated Japanese practice manager worked with us to regularly provide translations to support marketing to our Japanese clients.
Storyboard for the animated message
These key frames were taken from the animated invitation.
Dual language electronic newsletter
This bi-monthly newsletter was distributed as an email message to clients with links to full stories in English and Japanese. This format was based on a global template I created and was implemented by the team I supervised.
Insiders sector news alerts
Email message announcing that sector news alerts are migrating to the Intranet.
This email message carried an embedded video in the right column.
This email message carried an embedded video in the right column.
Animated event invitation
This email invitation inviting clients to an industry marketing event includes a link to an animated message and registration form. It was produced by my team with elements received from the marketing director.
Event save-the-date
This email save-the-date alerts clients to an upcoming industry marketing event and was produced by my team with elements received from the marketing director.